Sunday, May 15, 2011

The plot begins...

You won't read about anti-government rants or fiscal responsibility here.  Instead, you'll find a brief discourse about our efforts at urban gardening in South King county, Washington.

The plot began as a plot of grass and weeds.  Carving out the grass, adding 2 yards of compost, and tilling well results in this:

Of course, no plot is complete without animal husbandry, so we added a few chicks.

We have a Austra White (named Betty), a Buff Orpington (named Buffy), a Barred Rock (named Rocky,  or Maryanne, depending upon who you ask...), two Silver Wyandottes (named Cheep and Dale), and a Rhode Island Red (named Ginger).   We picked up four at the grange, and wanted two more, but when we went to the feed store, we discovered that there was a minimum 6 chick purchase.  As a result, we also ended up with 2 Cornish Rocks (unnamed, but named Thing 1 and Thing 2), as well as a Bronze Breasted turkey (named Black turkeu) and a white breasted turkey (named White Turkey).  The Turkeys and Cornish are intended to be eaten, thus the lack of a true name.

Of course, the chicks soon out grew their box, so a coop was in order.  It took a couple weeks, but the coop is finally finished, and the girls moved in about a week ago.  I'll get pictures of the coop posted shortly.